Tunnelling-Induced Settlement and Treatment Techniques for a Loess Metro in Xi’an

Heng Li, Enlin Ma, Jinxing Lai, Lixin Wang, Shuoshuo Xu, Ke Wang, Tong Liu, Castorina S. Vieira (Editor)

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review


Techniques including pre-grouting, long pipe roof, and parameter optimization were employed to ensure the safety of loess metro tunnelling under an existing glass building. Their effects were proved through monitoring the settlement of building and surface during tunnelling. Besides, division of settlement monitoring according to processes, a new method, was conducted to control settlement in time. The highest surface settlement after construction was 16 mm only, meeting the requirement. The result indicates that it is practicable to control the tunnelling settlement strictly in extremely difficult geological areas. The settlement regularities were also studied through numerical simulation; their deformation is larger compared with in situ results while their change trends coincide during most processes. Soil excavations cause settlement primarily, accounting for more than 60%. It is suggested that dual slurry pre-grouting and process-based measurement should be employed before each excavation in water-rich loess areas.
1. Introduction
Original languageEnglish
Article number1854813
JournalAdvances in Civil Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2020
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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