Tuning of emission wavelength of CaS:Eu by addition of oxygen using atomic layer deposition

José Rosa*, Jouko Lahtinen, Jaakko Julin, Zhipei Sun, Harri Lipsanen

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Atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology has unlocked new ways of manipulating the growth of inorganic materials. The fine control at the atomic level allowed by ALD technology creates the perfect conditions for the inclusion of new cationic or anionic elements of the already-known materials. Consequently, novel material characteristics may arise with new functions for applications. This is especially relevant for inorganic luminescent materials where slight changes in the vicinity of the luminescent centers may originate new emission properties. Here, we studied the luminescent properties of CaS:Eu by introducing europium with oxygen ions by ALD, resulting in a novel CaS:EuO thin film. We study structural and photoluminescent properties of two different ALD deposited Eu doped CaS thin films: Eu(thd)3 which reacted with H2S forming CaS:Eu phosphor, or with O3 originating a CaS:EuO phosphor. It was found that the emission wavelength of CaS:EuO was 625.8 nm whereas CaS:Eu was 647 nm. Thus, the inclusion of O2- ions by ALD in a CaS:Eu phosphor results in the blue-shift of 21.2 nm. Our results show that ALD can be an effective way to introduce additional elements (e.g., anionic elements) to engineer the physical properties (e.g., inorganic phosphor emissions) for photonics and optoelectronics.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5966
Number of pages12
Issue number20
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2021
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Atomic layer deposition
  • CaS:Eu
  • Phosphor
  • Photoluminescence


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