Toward a routine-based view of interfirm rivalry

Jukka Luoma*, Tomi Laamanen, Juha Antti Lamberg

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Although organizational routines have attracted increasing attention in strategy and organization research, they have received surprisingly limited attention in competitive dynamics scholarship. Our essay seeks to advance a routine-based view of interfirm rivalry by bridging the competitive dynamics and routine literatures. We put forward a conceptual model of the routine-based view of interfirm rivalry that is centered on “competitive action routines.” The model clarifies the roles that managers play in driving a firm’s competitive behavior, challenges the assumption of routine-based rigidity in competitive behavior, and adds nuance to our understanding of managerial cognition in competitive dynamics. Moreover, the routine-based view offers new insights regarding the awareness-motivation-capability framework, and amplifies previous calls to broaden the methodological repertoire of competitive dynamics research.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1476127020931359
Pages (from-to)433-446
Number of pages14
JournalStrategic Organization
Issue number2
Early online date2020
Publication statusPublished - 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Behavioral theory of the firm < TOPICS AND PERSPECTIVES
  • competitive dynamics < TOPICS AND PERSPECTIVES
  • decision-making < TOPICS AND PERSPECTIVES
  • evolutionary theory < TOPICS AND PERSPECTIVES
  • organizational routines < TOPICS AND PERSPECTIVES


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