Total volume evaluation of high-power density non-isolated DC–DC converters with integrated magnetics for electric vehicles

Wilmar Martinez, Camilo Cortes, Masayoshi Yamamoto, Jun Imaoka, Kazuhiro Umetani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

26 Citations (Scopus)


One of the main problems in electric vehicles is the volume of their electrical systems because their bulky components carry additional mass and high cost to the total system. On this topic, interleaving-phases and magnetic coupling techniques have been reported as effective methods for increasing the power density of the DC–DC converters that work between the storage unit and the motor inverter. In that sense, a volume assessment of these topologies would provide a better understanding of the problems to be faced when an electric power train is designed. In this paper, a volume modelling methodology is introduced with the purpose of comparing four different DC–DC converters: Single-Phase Boost, Two-Phase Interleaved with non-coupled inductors, Loosely Coupled Inductor (LCI), and Integrated Winding Coupled Inductor (IWCI). The analysis considers the volume of magnetic components, power devices (conventional and next-generation), cooling devices and capacitors. The methodology can be used as a part of an optimization procedure to minimize the volume of DC–DC converters. Conclusively, LCI and IWCI were found effective to miniaturize power converters with a power density of 8.4 W/cc and 9.66 W/cc, respectively. Moreover, a maximum efficiency of 98.04% and 97.61% was obtained for a 1kW LCI and IWCI prototypes, respectively.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2010–2020
Number of pages11
JournalIET Power Electronics
Issue number14
Publication statusPublished - 2017
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • capacitor
  • EV
  • high-power density nonisolated DC-DC converter
  • loosely coupled inductor
  • IWCI
  • motor inverter
  • single-phase boost two-phase interleaved noncoupled inductor
  • optimisation
  • efficiency 97.61 percent
  • power device
  • LCI
  • electric power train
  • interleaving-phase technique
  • efficiency 98.04 percent
  • cooling device
  • total volume evaluation
  • magnetic coupling technique
  • integrated magnetics
  • volume modelling methodology
  • integrated winding coupled inductor
  • electric vehicle


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