The role of solar energy for carbon neutrality in Helsinki Metropolitan area

Karna Dahal*, Jari Niemela, Sirkku Juhola

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Helsinki Metropolitan area possesses significant solar potential, which can be utilized by installing solar panels and collectors in the cities' public and private premises to fulfill the emission reduction targets. However, current development of solar energy production in the region is in its infancy. This paper outlines how current state of solar energy utilization can be improved in public and private buildings and utility companies in the Helsinki Metropolitan area in terms of costs and financial mechanisms. We applied document analysis and semi-structured interview methods to study the role of solar energy for carbon neutrality in this area. The analyses showed that the Metropolitan cities do not have clear electricity production targets from solar energy yet. Furthermore, their subsidy schemes and financial measures for solar energy productions are not attractive for the promotion of solar energy. Thus, we propose the Metropolitan cities to adopt a policy outlining that a certain percentage (e.g. 20%) of energy should be produced from solar energy to achieve the 20% renewable energy target by 2020. Financial incentives and subsidy schemes for solar power installations should be more tempting and accessible to private and public building owners.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1412152
Number of pages16
JournalCogent Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2017
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • carbon neutrality
  • public and private buildings
  • subsidy schemes
  • financial measures


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