The effect of the pyrolysis temperature and biomass type on the biocarbons characteristics

Anna Iurchenkova, Anna Kobets, Zahra Ahaliabadeh, Janez Kozir, Ekaterina Laakso, Tommi Virtanen, Virpi Siipola, Jouko Lahtinen, Tanja Kallio*

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The conversion of biomass and natural wastes into carbon-based materials for various applications such as catalysts and energy-related materials is a fascinating and sustainable approach emerged during recent years. Precursor nature and characteristics are complex, hence, their effect on the properties of resulting materials is still unclear. In this work, we have investigated the effect of different precursors and pyrolysis temperature on the properties of produced carbon materials and their potential application as negative electrode materials in Li-ion batteries. Three biomasses, lignocellulosic brewery spent grain from a local brewery, catechol-rich lignin and tannins, were selected for investigations. We show that such end-product carbon characteristic as functional and elemental composition, porosity, specific surface area, defectiveness level, and morphology strictly depend on the precursor composition, chemical structure, and pyrolysis temperature. The electrochemical characteristics of produced carbon materials correlate with the characteristics of the produced materials. A higher pyrolysis temperature is shown to be favourable for production of carbon material for the Li-ion battery application in terms of both specific capacity and long-term cycling stability.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere202301005
Number of pages19
Issue number8
Early online date21 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 22 Apr 2024
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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