Technologies for Enhancing Collocated Social Interaction: Review of Design Solutions and Approaches

Thomas Olsson*, Pradthana Jarusriboonchai, Paweł Woźniak, Susanna Paasovaara, Kaisa Väänänen, Andrés Lucero

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

57 Citations (Scopus)
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Collocated interaction has received growing interest in both academic research and the design of information and communication technological applications. An emergent research topic within this area relates to technological enhancement of social interaction. Various envisioned systems aim beyond simply enabling interaction, to actively enhance—i.e., improve the quality or extent of—social interaction between collocated people. However, there is little understanding of the optimal design solutions and roles of technology considering this goal. This literature review outlines the landscape of design explorations in this emergent research topic. We contribute an in-depth study of 92 publications that present relevant solutions or prototypes, analyzing their focus areas, design objectives, and design and evaluation approaches. To contribute with a new theoretical perspective, we identify various roles of technology relevant for enhancement, representing three abstract categories: facilitating, inviting and encouraging. This review helps researchers to describe, analyze, and position relevant prior research and identify gaps in scientific knowledge.

Original languageEnglish
JournalComputer Supported Cooperative Work: CSCW: An International Journal
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Collocated interaction
  • Enhancement
  • Interactive systems
  • Literature review
  • Opportunistic interaction
  • Proxemic interaction
  • Social computing
  • Social interaction


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