Summary of the RealDemo –project 2012-2014: WP4 Thermal integration

Matias Halinen, Antti Pohjoranta, Lauri Kujanpää, Vesa Väisänen, Pauli Salminen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientific

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The RealDemo –project was a joint research project focused on enabling the commercialization of the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) technology. The project lasted from 2012 to 2014. The project’s research partners were VTT, LUT and the Aalto University. The targets of the project were (i) to improve the reliability of SOFC systems, (ii) to simplify the system structure in order to bring down the investment and servicing costs and (iii) to identify the potential applications for the first SOFC system demonstrations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationVTT Research reports
PublisherVTT Technical Research Centre of Finland
Number of pages23
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2013
MoE publication typeB2 Book section


  • SOFC
  • Thermal integration
  • high temperature
  • fuel cell


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