State observer for grid-voltage sensorless control of a converter under unbalanced conditions

Jarno Kukkola, Marko Hinkkanen

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This paper deals with grid-voltage sensorless synchronization and control under unbalanced grid conditions. A three-phase grid-connected converter equipped with an LCL filter is considered, and no signals other than the converter currents and the dc-link voltage are measured for control. An augmented adaptive state observer is proposed for estimation of the positive- and negative-sequence components of the grid voltage. Dynamic performance limitations of the proposed method and effects of parameter errors are analyzed. The proposed observer is tested as part of a sensorless control system. Experimental results show that the proposed method works well even under highly unbalanced grid conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)286-297
Number of pages12
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industry Applications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2018
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • observers
  • sensorless control
  • adaptation models
  • estimation error
  • frequency estimation
  • integrated circuit modeling


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