Space Invaders II: Vallankumous - Tapahtumallinen viikonloppu Porissa

Anna Jensen (Curator), Eliisa Suvanto (Curator)

    Research output: Artistic and non-textual formArtefactArt in coproduction


    What does a revolution mean in our modern society? How can one influence to the course of events, participate and take action? How does the space involve as we enter, occupy and then leave it behind? Participating artistis: ABERCROMBIE MELINDA / ANNA & ELIISA / CHOW YIK / COCHRAN NIINA / COYOTZI BORJA ANDREA / HIRSIAHO KOIVUNEN RANTANEN / HÄRKÖNEN & EKRIAS / JALONEN ALEKSI / JALONEN VAPPU / KÄRPÄNEN SARA / LAMPI VILLE / MARTINEZ / MONTES DE OCA VALADEZ GERARDO / NEILSON DANA / NUMMELIN ALPO / PAUNU PAAVO / PAVLIC SEIFERT EVA / RAITANEN ERNO-ERIK / SALMELA ANNE / SALONEN HANNE / SOINI PAULA / TURKKO ANTTI / VENÄLÄINEN ANNI / YLIJOKI HEINI
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2014
    MoE publication typeF2 Partial implementation of a work of art or performance


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