South Park - Phone Destroyer

Denis Zlobin (Sound designer), Reina Magica (Designer), Nelly Sääksjärvi (Producer), Arttu Peltonen (Developer), Miikka Junnila (Other)

    Research output: Artistic and non-textual formSoftwareProfessional


    South Park: Phone DestroyerTM brings you iconic South Park characters, action packed real-time strategy, exploding PvP battles, trademark South Park humor and collectible cards in a perfect mix that’s spicier than Cartman’s chili con carne.
    Assemble the ultimate team of cowboys, wizards, cyborgs and more and get ready to crush your opponent!
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationApp Store
    Media of outputOnline
    Publication statusPublished - 9 Nov 2017
    MoE publication typeI2 ICT applications


    • mobile games
    • game design


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