Solubility limit of nitrogen in Fe–Cr–C–N alloy melt under reduced N2 partial pressure

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The N solubility in Fe–Cr–C–N melt was measured by the addition of Cr and C in liquid iron using the metal/gas equilibration technique at 1600 °C under a reduced N 2 partial pressure. Cr increased the N solubility by the attraction force between Cr and N, while C showed the opposite effect on N in liquid iron. The present experimental results were thermodynamically analyzed by Wagner's interaction parameter formalism. The existence of the simultaneous effect of Cr and C on the N solubility was confirmed, which was determined as the second-order cross-product parameter of Cr and C on N in liquid iron. This parameter set in the multicomponent Fe–Cr–C–N system can be used to predict the solubility limit of N in the degassing process of stainless steelmaking.

Original languageEnglish
Article number109726
Number of pages5
Early online date26 Aug 2020
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2020
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Ferritic stainless steel
  • N solubility
  • Fe-Cr´-C-N system
  • Wagner's interaction parameter formalism


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