title = "Simulation of solidification and calculation of thermophysical properties in binary bcc copper alloys",
keywords = "copper, copper alloys, diffusion, fcc phase, liquid phase, solidification, thermodynamics, thermophysical properties, copper, copper alloys, diffusion, fcc phase, liquid phase, solidification, thermodynamics, thermophysical properties, copper, copper alloys, diffusion, fcc phase, liquid phase, solidification, thermodynamics, thermophysical properties",
author = "J. Miettinen",
year = "2000",
language = "English",
series = "Teknillisen korkeakoulun materiaalitekniikan ja metallurgian julkaisuja",
publisher = "Teknillinen korkeakoulu",
number = "TKK-MK-104",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "Teknillinen korkeakoulu",