Sharing the Appearance of Higher Space

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperScientificpeer-review


Four-dimensional space is an abstract concept of adding an extra spatial dimension perpendicular to our three dimensions of length, height and width. The research on its properties is made possible by generalizing the methods acquired by studying more familiar spaces of lower dimensions. Originated in philosophy and mathematically formulated in geometry, the concept has roused interpretations in mysticism, in theoretical physics, in fiction and in visual arts.

Just as 3-dimensional structures can be drawn, unfolded, sliced, photographed or otherwise portrayed onto a planar medium, these graphical techniques can be generalized to produce 3D appearances of 4-dimensional structures described by mathematicians. My doctoral work in the interdisciplinary context of mathematics and art studies these visual possibilities of hyperspatial geometry.

For artistic research hyperspatial reasoning offers a provokingly counter-intuitive, but nevertheless logically consistent framework rich with scientific, historical and poetic significance. Sensuous accessibility provided by physical artifacts and the simple vocabulary of geometry makes the research easy to share across various disciplines.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 29 Apr 2017
MoE publication typeNot Eligible
EventInternational Conference on Artistic Research: Please spesify! Sharing Artistic Research Across Disciplines - University of the Arts Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Duration: 28 Apr 201729 Apr 2017
Conference number: 8


ConferenceInternational Conference on Artistic Research
Abbreviated titleSAR
Internet address


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