Science Fiction to the Rescue! : Harnessing Anthropological Design Fiction for Paradigmatic Changes in the World of Collapsing Ecosystems

Research output: Contribution to journalReview Article


In the field of design, applying science fiction has become a common practice. These approaches are called design fiction which refers to using science fiction within a design process – to test concepts and prototype in the context of a fictional world, or to comment, reflect and criticize innovations. This review article introduces design fiction and ponders whether design could draw more from the subgenre of anthropological science fiction. This would enable holistic imaginings and more conscious creation of complete socio-cultural worlds instead of focusing on particular technologies or use situations. Anthropological design fiction could be utilized with broader aims in mind: it could, potentially, assist in changing the seemingly inevitable direction of certain powerful agendas, such as the smart city agenda, which heavily steers the urban development of numerous cities globally.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 15 Dec 2021
MoE publication typeB1 Non-refereed journal articles


  • science fiction
  • design fiction
  • design research
  • anthropology
  • future-making
  • smart city


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