Satakieliklub - Multimedia poetry night

Mariana Salgado

    Research output: Artistic and non-textual formPerformanceArt in coproduction


    To celebrate the end of the first edition of Satakielikuukausi, Sivuvalo project (in collaboration with Stoa, Vuotalo and Helsinki Poetry Connection) invites you to enjoy an excellent and international night full of experimental poetry and music this 21.3.2015 19:00 hours at Vuotalo: Mosaiikkitori, Vuosaari (Helsinki). Poets: Hamdam Zakirov (Uzbekistan), Roxana Crisólogo (Peru), Daniel Malpica (Mexico), Christelle Mas (France) and Kári Tulinius (Iceland) . Videopoetry: From Video Poetry Marathon Musicians: Sergio Castrillón Cello (Colombia) and Alejandro Olarte Electroacoustic Music and Sound Atmospheres (Colombia). Host: Poet Kasper Salonen (Suomi).
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2015
    MoE publication typeF2 Partial implementation of a work of art or performance


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