Rauma Triennale 2022: Imagine! What if!

Heta Kaisto (Curator), Teemu Mäki (Curator)

Research output: Artistic and non-textual formExhibitionArt in coproductionpeer-review


Emma Ainala, Petri Blomqvist, Dovilè Dagiené (LT), Mollu Heino, Eeva Honkanen, Touko Hujanen, Maippi Ketola & Harri Vähänissi, Riikka Keränen, Hanna Koikkalainen, Airi Kuronen, Marjo Levlin, Metamorfooseja (group), Kristina Norman (EE), Yoko Ono (JP/USA), Paavo Paunu, Jaakko Pietiläinen, Sepideh Rahaa (IR/FIN), Sara Rantanen, Toisissa Tiloissa (group), Kari Vehosalo and 10 poets

In 2022, Rauma Triennale pays homage to the multidisciplinary artistic collaboration of Yoko Ono and John Lennon. The theme of the exhibition Imagine! What if! challenges to consider the question of what if everything were different. It celebrates the human imagination as a way to create possibilities, and it’s capabilities for peace and war. The curators of the Rauma Triennale are the chief curator of Rauma Art Museum Heta Kaisto and artist Teemu Mäki
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationRauma ja Eura
PublisherRauman taidemuseo
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jun 2022
MoE publication typeF2 Partial implementation of a work of art or performance
EventRauma Triennale: Imagine! What if! - Rauma, Finland
Duration: 11 Jun 202225 Sept 2022

Field of art

  • Contemporary art


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