Raitiolinja 13 ympäristösuunnittelu

Translated title of the contribution: Tram line no. 13 environmental planning

Elisa Lähde (Designer), Olivia Mahlio (Designer)

Research output: Artistic and non-textual formArchitectureArt in non-art workpeer-review


The information on artistic outputs in the Aalto Research Portal follows the reporting guidelines of Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture. Therefore, each contribution requiring independent artistic activity is reported separately. For full details of the work and its contributors, please refer to information provided by the publisher.
Translated title of the contributionTram line no. 13 environmental planning
Original languageFinnish
Place of PublicationHelsinki
PublisherPääkaupunkiseudun Kaupunkiliikenne Oy
Publication statusPublished - 2024
MoE publication typeF3 Artistic part of a non-artistic publication

Field of art

  • Architecture
  • Design


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