Pumping properties of the hybrid single-electron transistor in dissipative environment

S.V Lotkhov, Antti Kemppinen, Sergey Kafanov, Jukka P. Pekola, A.B. Zorin

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Pumping characteristics were studied of a hybrid normal-metal/superconductor single-electron transistor embedded in high-Ohmic environment. Two 3 μm long microstrip resistors of CrOx with a sum resistance R≈80 kΩ were placed adjacent to the transistor. Substantial improvement of pumping and a reduction of the subgap leakage were observed in the low-megahertz range. At higher frequencies (0.1–1 GHz), pumping performance deteriorated compared to reference devices without resistors by the slowdown of tunneling and by electronic heating.
Original languageEnglish
Article number112507
Pages (from-to)1-3
Number of pages3
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 2009
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • resistors
  • single electron transistors
  • superconducting materials
  • tunneling


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