Prioritizing participatory planning solutions : Developing place-based priority categories based on public participation GIS data

Marketta Kyttä*, Thomas Randrup, Anna Sunding, Saana Rossi, Eveliina Harsia, Johanna Palomäki, Anna Kajosaari

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Prioritization of knowledge produced in participatory planning has been approached mainly from the perspective of whose perspectives are most in need of consideration. We ask, whether it is also possible to consider which locations, based on the knowledge from participants, should be prioritized. We developed a place-based approach to inform spatial decision making especially when the prioritization of limited resources is necessary. In the place-based prioritization model frequency of use and perceived quality of everyday places were used to identify various priority categories. We argued that especially places that are perceived negatively but used often in daily life pose a risk to wellbeing and the quality of life and should thus be prioritized in development. Such places belonged to the Development priority category, but also three other categories, Development potential, Management potential and Management priority were identified. The prioritization model was tested empirically by using place-based knowledge about inhabitants everyday and quality networks collected in the Finnish city of Espoo. According to the results, the Development priority category was represented only in about 5% of places, most often in land associated with road and rail networks as well as in continuous urban fabric. As hypothesized, high share of the Development priority places in everyday networks reduced individual's quality of life. We also found that a rather high share of these places was located within existing planning areas of the city.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104868
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Experiential knowledge
  • Participatory planning
  • Place-based approach
  • Prioritization model
  • Public participation GIS


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