Polarizability of Radially Inhomogeneous Subwavelength Spheres

Dimitrios C. Tzarouchis, Ari Sihvola

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In this work the polarizability of a subwavelength core-shell sphere is considered, where the shell exhibits a radially inhomogeneous permittivity profile. The mathematical treatment of the electrostatic polarizability is formulated in terms of the scattering potentials and the corresponding scattering amplitudes. As a result, a generalized expression of the polarizability is presented to be dependent of the radial inhomogeneity function. The extracted general model is applied for two particular cases, i.e., a power-law profile and a new class of permittivity profiles that exhibit exponential radial dependence. The proposed analysis quantifies in a simple manner the inhomogeneity effects, allowing the direct implementation of naturally or artificially occurring permittivity inhomogeneities for a wide range of applications within and beyond the metamaterial paradigm. Specifically, a special case of symmetric-antisymmetric resonant plasmonic degeneracy is identified and shown for the case of a core-shell sphere with a power-law permittivity profile. This degeneracy could be used for the experimental identification of inhomogeneity-induced effects or for applications where a strong coupling resonant regime is required. Furthermore, the described analysis opens avenues towards the phenomenological and first-principles modeling of the electrodynamic scattering effects for graded-index plasmonic particles at the nanoscale. Finally, such a description can be readily used either for the benchmarking of novel computational methods incorporating inhomogeneous materials or for inverse scattering purposes.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages13
JournalPhysical Review Applied
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2018
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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