Point-dipole model for metal-enhanced fluorescence

Constantin R. Simovski*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticleScientificpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


A simple analytical model for calculating the Purcell factor in metal-enhanced fluorescence (MEF) may replace its difficult precise calculations involving either the Green function of a plasmonic nanoantenna (NA) or the resonator mode volume. The model considers the NA as a point dipole. It was previously introduced conceptually, but was applied for only two special cases having no practical importance for nanosensing. In this Letter, we show that this model has a predictive power for practical schemes of MEF which is an important tool of nanosensing. (C) 2019 Optical Society of America

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2697-2700
Number of pages4
JournalOptics Letters
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2019
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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