Pathways for a future cadastral system : A socio-technical approach

Pauliina Krigsholm*, Kirsikka Riekkinen, Pirjo Ståhle

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A vast array of trends and innovations, such as drones and person-to-person trust solutions, have been proposed to revolutionize the task of recording land and property rights. There is, however, a gap in current research regarding how to approach systematically the future(s) of cadastral systems. This paper introduces socio-technical transitions theory and multi-level perspective (MLP) framework in particular as a way to structure potential pathways for cadastral systems. The approach emphasizes the role of institutional rules of the game – the regulative, normative and cognitive institutional elements – in socio-technical transition processes. Using the Finnish cadastral system as a case study, we illustrate the approach by forming three alternative transition pathways: (1) a cadastral system under digital transformation, (2) differentiating urban and rural cadastral systems, and (3) a cadastral system facing new data management challenges. After describing each transition pathway with a narrative storyline, we reflect them in light of previous discourses of the cadastral domain. Thereby, the study provides new insights into discussions about the future of cadastral systems and land administration in general.

Original languageEnglish
Article number104504
Number of pages12
JournalLand Use Policy
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2020
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Cadastral systems
  • Future
  • Land administration
  • Pathways
  • Socio-technical transitions


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