PARI ASKELTA JÄLJESSÄ - tuurilla mennään - Tutkimus suomalaisten organisaatioiden ja työterveyshuollon toteuttamasta henkilöriskienhallinnasta strategisen johtamisen välineenä

Translated title of the contribution: ALWAYS A LITTLE BEHIND - relying on chance - A study on people risk management as a strategic management tool carried out by Finnish organizations and occupational health care

Kristiina Halonen

Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisMonograph


This thesis examines people risk management as a strategic management tool carried out by Finnish organizations and occupational health care. Research data based on the case study framework was collected initially in 2004-2005 with two questionnaires (n=368, n=59). The third part of material consists of information on risk management contained in the 2009 annual reports for public disclosure and financial data of the 50 largest Finnish organizations. The research methodology used in the study is the multi-method approach. This study demonstrates that Finnish organizations' holistic people risk management approach is still in its infancy. People risks are not managed as a systemic whole, but as partial optimization, which is why an overall view of the most significant people risks will not be formed. The findings also show that people risk management is not carried out as part of the organization's enterprise risk management as strategic management tool. The most common way of managing people risks in the organizations involved in this study can be characterized as "The Strategy of Chance". The findings also show that occupational health care is not perceived as as strategic partner for people risk management. The study illustrates that there is a discrepancy between what activities occupational health care focuses on, and what health and well-being related risks there are in reality in the client organizations. The people risk management carried out in cooperation by Finnish organizations and occupational health appears to represent a rational view of the world. The findings, however, demonstrate that more strategic thinking is needed in this cooperation, making it possible to identify, analyze, and manage complex multi-dimensional people risks in more depth than simply making use of superficial surveys. The theoretical contribution of this study is that it creates a knowledge base for multidisciplinary research on organization's people risk management and provides a premise for people risk management theories. The study also expands the current research on occupational health care by combining occupational heath care research and holistic people risk management in the context of the study of strategic management. The practical contribution of the study arises from the fact that it produces knowledge directly applicable to working life. The study can be utilized in Finnish organizations, occupational health care, pension insurance companies, risk management training and as learning material.
Translated title of the contributionALWAYS A LITTLE BEHIND - relying on chance - A study on people risk management as a strategic management tool carried out by Finnish organizations and occupational health care
Original languageFinnish
QualificationDoctor's degree
Awarding Institution
  • Aalto University
  • Vartiainen, Matti, Supervising Professor
  • Naumanen, Paula, Thesis Advisor, External person
  • Vartiainen, Matti, Thesis Advisor
Print ISBNs978-952-60-5446-9
Electronic ISBNs978-952-60-5447-6
Publication statusPublished - 2013
MoE publication typeG4 Doctoral dissertation (monograph)


  • people risk
  • people risk management
  • people risk management co-operation
  • risk management
  • strategic management
  • occupational health care


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