title = "Paras k{\"a}ytett{\"a}viss{\"a} oleva tekniikka (BAT) ja sen soveltaminen ymp{\"a}rist{\"o}lupamenettelyss{\"a}",
keywords = "BAT (Best Available Techniques), conditions of licence, BAT (Best Available Techniques), conditions of licence, BAT (Best Available Techniques), conditions of licence",
author = "Pirkko Kemppainen and T. Koskenkari and O. Dahl",
year = "2004",
language = "English",
series = "Oulun yliopiston prosessitekniikan osaston julkaisusarja",
publisher = "University of Oulu, Department of Process Engineering",
number = "174",
pages = "40",
type = "WorkingPaper",
institution = "University of Oulu, Department of Process Engineering",