Optoelectronic properties of black silicon fabricated by femtosecond laser in ambient air: exploring a large parameter space

Behrad Radfar, Kexun Chen, Olli Setälä, Ville Vähänissi, Hele Savin, Xiaolong Liu*

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We study the surface morphology, optical absorption (400–1100 nm), and carrier lifetime of black silicon fabricated by femtosecond (fs) laser in air. We explore a large laser parameter space, for which we adopt a single parameter ξ to describe the cumulative fluence delivered to the sample. We also study the laser-oxidized surface layer by measuring its photoluminescence spectra and comparing its effect on the aforementioned properties. Our study in a broad range of ξ is instructive in choosing laser parameters when targeting different applications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1224 - 1227
Number of pages4
JournalOptics Letters
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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