Optimal Excitation of Multi-transmitter Wireless Power Transfer System without Receiver Sensors

Prasad Jayathurathnage, Fu Liu

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review

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The optimal excitation of multi-transmitter wireless power transfer systems is dependent on the position of the receiver (Rx), To maximize the output power and efficiency, the transmitter (Tx) coils closer to the Rx should have higher currents compared to the ones farther away. This paper presents a simple approach to determine the optimal excitation of individual Tx without using any measurement at the Rx side. The Tx coils are arranged to be uncoupled from adjacent Tx coils. In this configuration, the optimal current distribution in each Tx coil is a function of the mutual inductances of each Tx-Rx coil pair, which can be evaluated by analyzing the voltage measurements at Tx coils. The proposed approach is experimentally verified using a laboratory prototype.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2019 IEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies
Subtitle of host publicationWireless Power Transfer, WoW 2019
Number of pages4
ISBN (Electronic)9781538675144
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2019
MoE publication typeA4 Conference publication
EventIEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies: Wireless Power Transfer - London, United Kingdom
Duration: 17 Jun 201921 Jun 2019


WorkshopIEEE PELS Workshop on Emerging Technologies
Abbreviated titleWoW
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • Coupling estimation
  • Multiple transmitter
  • Wireless power transfer


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  • VISORSURF: A Hardware Platform for Software-driven Functional Metasurfaces

    Tretiakov, S. (Principal investigator), Asadchy, V. (Project Member), Liu, F. (Project Member), Cuesta, F. (Project Member), Ptitcyn, G. (Project Member), Wang, X. (Project Member), Mirmoosa, M. (Project Member), Jayathurathnage, P. (Project Member) & Tzarouchis, D. (Project Member)


    Project: EU: Framework programmes funding

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