Non-catalytic hydrothermal liquefaction for CHP and fuel production Preliminary techno-economic assessment

Thomas Kohl, Mohamed Mohamed, Mika Järvinen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterScientificpeer-review


Research objective: Design and development of Hydrothermal treatment pathways for the sustainable produrction of lignucelluslose derived fuels and value-added products that both reduce direct GHG emissions and display fossil based carbon footprints in existing industrial and transport infrastructures.

Lower liquid bio-fuel yields from non-catalytic HTL could be thermally offset with by-product valorisation as well as with efficient recovery of the HTL waste heat.
Process economics are strongly dependent on the market prices of the energy co-products (H2, power, heat).
Techno-economic performance could improve either by HTL integration with low cost residues in existing industrial production lines or by downstream upgrading to high-grade bio-chemicals.
Integrated application of HTT treatment for liquid effluents (e.g. black liquor, digestate etc.) for energy and material recovery.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 12 Sept 2017
EventHTP-Fachforum - Leipzig, Germany
Duration: 12 Sept 201713 Sept 2017
Conference number: 3


OtherBiobasierte hydrothermale Prozesse – Technologien zur stofflichen und energetischen Nutzung


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