Method in connection with sensorless induction motors

Marko Hinkkanen (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    A method for the stabilization of full-order flux observers for speed-sensorless induction motors in the regenerative mode. The method comprises determining the current vector of the induction motor, determining the stator voltage vector of the induction motor, forming a full-order flux observer having a system matrix (A) and a gain matrix (L), the state-variable observer being augmented with a speed adaptation loop, and producing an estimated rotor flux linkage vector and an estimated stator current vector, determining an estimation error of the stator current vector, defining a correction angle, and forming a speed adapt-tion law based on the cross product of the estimation error of the stator current vector and the estimated rotor flux linkage vector,; where the correction angle is used to turn the rotor flux linkage vector or the estimation error of the stator current vector in order to keep the observer stable.
    Original languageEnglish
    Patent numberUS 6940253 B2
    IPCH02P21/14; (IPC1-7): H02P5/34
    Priority date18/10/2002
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Sept 2005
    MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


    • flux observers
    • induction motor drives
    • stability


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