Method for determining output currents of frequency converter

Panu Virolainen (Inventor), Samuli Heikkila (Inventor), Marko Hinkkanen (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method for determining output currents of a three-phase frequency converter comprising a voltage intermediate circuit and three power switch pairs constituting an output of the frequency converter, wherein the power switches constituting a pair are coupled in series between a positive and a negative busbar of the voltage intermediate circuit so that a midpoint of each switch pair constitutes a phase output of the frequency converter.; The method comprises, during use of the frequency converter, steps of forming a voltage reference vector for the output power switches such that only two switch pairs are modulated during one modulation sequence, controlling said two switch pairs to implement a voltage reference vector during the modulation sequence by using one zero vector, measuring current of the voltage intermediate circuit of the frequency converter at a predetermined moment in the modulation sequence, and changing actively, during use of the frequency converter, the zero vectors to be used in the modulation sequences.

Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS2005152165
IPCH02P 27/ 12 A I
Priority date19/12/2003
Publication statusPublished - 14 Jul 2005
MoE publication typeH1 Granted patent


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