Markkinoinnin professorin muuttuva työ 1980-luvulta nykypäivään: The changing work of a marketing professor from the 1980s onwards

Henrikki Tikkanen, Pekka Tuominen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterScientific

Original languageFinnish
Title of host publicationMiten menee, markkinointitiede? Professori Rami Olkkosen juhlakirja
Subtitle of host publicationHow is it going, marketing science? Professor Rami Olkkonen's festschrift
EditorsSamuel Piha, Petteri Ojala
Place of PublicationTurku
PublisherTurun yliopisto
ISBN (Electronic)ISBN 978-951-29-7300-2
ISBN (Print)ISBN 978-951-29-7299-9
Publication statusPublished - 2018
MoE publication typeB2 Book section

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