L'Étoile du Nord - Kokkolan oopperakesä - 20.-21.7.2017

Giacomo Meyerbeer (Composer), Maria Sid (Director), Sakari Oramo (Other), Anu Komsi (Performer), Rasmus Vuori (Designer), Joonas Tikkanen (Other), Juha Mustanoja (Designer)

    Research output: Artistic and non-textual formPerformanceArt in coproductionpeer-review


    Videoprojections for the Opera directed by Maria Sid, conducted by Sakari Oramo and with Any Komsi as the artistic director and performer
    Original languageFrench
    PublisherWest Coast Kokkola Opera
    Publication statusPublished - 2017
    MoE publication typeF2 Partial implementation of a work of art or performance
    • L'Étoile du Nord - Musiikkitalo - 11.11.2017

      Meyerbeer, G. (Composer), Sid, M. (Director), Oramo, S. (Other), Komsi, A. (Performer), Vuori, R. (Designer), Tikkanen, J. (Designer) & Mustanoja, J. (Designer), 11 Nov 2017

      Research output: Artistic and non-textual formPerformanceArt in coproductionpeer-review

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