”Kun ihminen ihminen on”: Tapaustutkimus sekakuoro Koiton Laulun yhteiskunnallisesta aktivismista 1970-luvulta 2020-luvulle

Translated title of the contribution: Because a human is a human: Case study of social activism of the mixed choir Koiton Laulu from 1970s to 2020s

Riikka Suhonen*, Hannele Cantell, Hanna Weselius, Terhi Kouvo

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The case study is about the mixed choir with a back-ground in the tradition of cultural expressions within the labour movement. The study examines what so-cial causes Koiton Laulu – as an actor within arts and culture – has chosen to take a stand in and express an opinion about during the last 50 years. Further-more, the study looks at the types of humanity that a past-time community can encourage its members to grow into. All current members were invited to the-matic individual interviews which form the material for the study. The members who chose to participate (N = 16) had joined the choir at various times during all the five decades. Additionally, 27 choir members took part in two Timeout discussions (Erätauko) organized around the theme. As a method, content analysis was applied on the material, focusing on the concepts of eco-social Bildung and inclusion. The re-sults show that an amateur choir can act as a channel for civic participation and as a community for learn-sen teemoja, mutta globaalit kysymykset, kuten ih-misoikeudet ja ympäristö, ovat kuorolaisille yhä tär-keämpiä. Ekososiaalisen sivistyksen ja sen ihmisyyden ihanteen teemat näkyvät ohjelmistossa ja toiminnassa mutta eivät aina toteudu kuoron sisäisessä toiminnas-sa. Kuorolaiset toivovat haasteita ratkottavan esimer-kiksi dialogisilla menetelmillä. Ylisukupolvisen oppi-misen ja yhteiskunnallisen vaikuttamisen yhteisönä kuoro perustuu turvalliseen, moniääniseen vuorovai-kutukseen.Asiasanat: aktivismi, ekososiaalinen sivistys, harras-tukset, kuoromusiikki, osallisuus, poeettinen aktivis-mi, työväenmusiikki, yhteiskunnallisuus, yhteisöllinen oppiminenAikuiskasvatus 42(1), 6ing. Over time, the activism of the choir has evolved along with the changing world. It still maintains the traditional themes of the labour movement, but global questions are more and more important for the chor-isters, among them human rights and environmental issues. Eco-social Bildung and its ideal of humanity are themes manifested outward by the choir’s repertoire and performances, but they do not always become re-ality within the choir itself. The chorists wish that the choir’s challenges can be addressed through dialogue, among other methods. The choir forms a community of transgenerational learning and civic participation based on safe, equal, and pluralistic interaction.

Keywords: activism, hobbies, choral music, inclusion, workers’ music, social criticism, collaborative learning, eco-social Bildung, poetic activism
Translated title of the contributionBecause a human is a human: Case study of social activism of the mixed choir Koiton Laulu from 1970s to 2020s
Original languageFinnish
Article number1
Pages (from-to)6–24
Number of pages18
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • activism, hobbies, choral music, inclusion, workers’ music, social criticism, collaborative learning, eco-social Bildung, poetic activism


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