title = "Keraamisen tuotteen deformoituminen polttoprosessin aikana",
keywords = "ceramic, deformation, firing, modelling, ceramic, deformation, firing, modelling, ceramic, deformation, firing, modelling",
author = "P. Hassinen and J. Paavola and Pekka Valjento and P. Hyt{\"o}nen and R. Mannonen and R. Ranta",
year = "2000",
language = "English",
pages = "599--608",
editor = "J. Koski and S. Virtanen",
booktitle = "VII Suomen mekaniikkap{\"a}iv{\"a}t, Tampere, 25-26.5.2000",
publisher = "Tampereen teknillinen korkeakoulu",
address = "Finland",