Jointly Learning Cost and Constraints from Demonstrations for Safe Trajectory Generation

Shivam Chaubey*, Francesco Verdoja, Ville Kyrki

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsProfessional


Learning from Demonstration (LfD) allows robots to mimic human actions. However, these methods do not model constraints crucial to ensure safety of the learned skill. Moreover, even when explicitly modelling constraints, they rely on the assumption of a known cost function, which limits their practical usability for task with unknown cost. In this work we propose a two-step optimization process that allow to estimate cost and constraints by decoupling the learning of cost functions from the identification of unknown constraints within the demonstrated trajectories. Initially, we identify the cost function by isolating the effect of constraints on parts of the demonstrations. Subsequently, a constraint leaning method is used to identify the unknown constraints. Our approach is validated both on simulated trajectories and a real robotic manipulation task. Our experiments show the impact that incorrect cost estimation has on the learned constraints and illustrate how the proposed method is able to infer unknown constraints, such as obstacles, from demonstrated trajectories without any initial knowledge of the cost.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWorkshop on Towards Collaborative Partners: Design, Shared Control, and Robot Learning for Physical Human-Robot Interaction
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2024
MoE publication typeD3 Professional conference proceedings
EventWorkshop on Towards Collaborative Partners: Design, Shared Control, and Robot Learning for Physical Human-Robot Interaction - Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan
Duration: 13 May 202413 May 2024


WorkshopWorkshop on Towards Collaborative Partners
Abbreviated titlepHRI
Internet address


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