Investigation on temperature distribution under the coupling action of transverse position and fire sealing of linear fire in tunnel

Gang Xu, Guoqing Zhu*, Rongliang Pan, Xin Liu

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By sealing the portal at one end of tunnel and changing the transverse location of linear fire source in tunnel, the hot smoke layer, longitudinal temperature distribution and maximum temperature of linear fire source were investigated. It is found that the flame will bend under the influence of curved ceiling and hot smoke layer will be thicker when the linear fire source approaches to the side wall. The variation law of heat release rate is analyzed by considering the limiting effect of side wall and thermal feedback. By modifying the previous formula of effective ceiling height, an empirical formula for predicting longitudinal temperature distribution of linear fire sources with different aspect ratios is proposed, and the ventilation coefficient is obtained to characterized the temperature under sealing and without sealing. Moreover, the accuracy of predicted temperature under sealing is verified by using the ventilation coefficient. Based on dimensional analysis, it's concluded that the maximum temperature mainly depends on the heat release rate, and an empirical formula is proposed to predict the maximum temperature rise of linear fire sources with different aspect ratios in several transverse positions. The error of predicted values and actual values is within 13%.

Original languageEnglish
Article number101032
Number of pages14
JournalCase Studies in Thermal Engineering
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2021
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Fire characteristics
  • Fireproof sealing
  • Linear fire source
  • Longitudinal temperature distribution
  • Maximum ceiling temperature rise


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