title = "Influence of toroidal field direction and plasma rotation on pedestal and ELM characteristics in JET ELMy H-modes",
keywords = "ELM, JET, plasma rotation, toroidal field direction, ELM, JET, plasma rotation, toroidal field direction, ELM, JET, plasma rotation, toroidal field direction",
author = "A. Loarte and G. Saibene and R. Sartori and M. Kempenaars and R.A. Pitts and Y. Andrew and J.S. L{\"o}nnroth and V. Parail and {de la Luna}, E. and S. Jachmich and C. Giroud and M.F. Nave and K. Crombe",
year = "2005",
language = "English",
series = "32nd EPS Plasma Physics Conference, Tarragona, Espanja, 30.06. - 03.07.2005",
pages = "pp. P2.007",
type = "WorkingPaper",