Influence of office layout and ceiling height on vertical temperature gradient in office rooms with displacement ventilation

Natalia Lastovets, Risto Kosonen, Panu Mustakallio

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperScientificpeer-review


An accurate temperature gradient calculation is essential for displacement ventilation (DV) system design, since it directly relates to the calculation of supply air flow rate. Several simplified nodal models were developed and implemented in the various building simulation programmes in order to estimate the temperature stratification in rooms with displacement ventilation. However, the most commonly used models do not count the types and locations of the typical heat loads in rooms with displacement ventilation. As a result, the calculated air temperature in the occupied zone can defer from the real one, which causes poor thermal comfort and inadequate sizing of the ventilation system.
In the present study, five simplified nodal models are analysed and validated with the experimental results in two measurement setups. In addition, the effect of the room heights and locations of the indoor heat sources were studied for the typical office environment. The experiments demonstrate that displacement ventilation provides even temperature gradient throughout the simulated office room spaces. The influence of the room height on the vertical temperature gradient is significant in the cases with high-level heat loads. The novel nodal model demonstrates an accurate calculation of the temperature gradient for the typical heat loads office layouts.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 2018
MoE publication typeNot Eligible
EventAnnual AIVC Conference
- Antibes Juan-Les-Pins Conference Centre, Antibes Juan-Les-Pins, France
Duration: 18 Sept 201819 Sept 2018
Conference number: 39


ConferenceAnnual AIVC Conference
Abbreviated titleAIVC
CityAntibes Juan-Les-Pins
OtherA39th AIVC - 7th TightVent & 5th Venticool Conference. Smart ventilation for buildings
Internet address


  • displacement ventilation
  • temperature gradient
  • mixing height
  • nodal model
  • thermal plume


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