Ilmastolain kytkennöistä muuhun lainsäädäntöön sekä perus- ja ihmisoikeuskysymyksiin

Ari Ekroos, Martti Häkkänen, Janne Seppälä, Joonas Tervo, Iikka Väänänen, Matias Wallgren

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned report


At the core of the study are the possibilities to link the Climate Change Act to other national legis-lation, particularly to environmental, energy and natural resources statutes, but also, e.g. to the arrangement of administration and taxation. The focus is on both mitigating and adapting to cli-mate change. The study also reviews the links between climate regulation and basic and human rights, assesses opportunities to participate in climate-related decision making and presents possi-bilities to develop the structure and contents of the Climate Change Act.
In currently valid legislation, climate perspectives are for the most part taken into account insufficiently. Linking other legislation to the Climate Change Act is possible in a number of ways, the most obvious being through references to the targets and policy instruments (plans, potential budgets) set in the Climate Change Act or by bringing up climate perspectives as factors to be account-ed for without a direct reference to the Climate Change Act.
How functional and necessary the various methods of establishing these links are depends signifi-cantly on the sector of legislation and the type of statute. In particular, climate issues could be incorporated as a factor to be accounted for in the target provisions and planning arrangements of acts. In permitting legislation, a simple reference to the Climate Change Act would not necessarily be functional in the current situation, as a permitting process subject to judicial discretion would also require specific provisions for climate-based permitting requirements. The ease of linking the Climate Change Act to subsidy and taxation legislation varies significantly. Legislation could im-pose more extensive climate-related planning and reporting duties on public authorities than is currently the case. A particular question is the activities of public sector entities themselves, including the use of real estate (e.g. public procurement, state-owned forests and state-owned companies).
Original languageFinnish
Number of pages122
ISBN (Electronic)978-952-64-0048-8
Publication statusPublished - 2020
MoE publication typeD4 Published development or research report or study

Publication series

NameAalto-yliopiston julkaisusarja TIEDE + TEKNOLOGIA
ISSN (Electronic)1799-4888

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