Ilambilole Secondary School Hostel for Girls, Iringa Rural, Tanzania (architectural design)

Research output: Artistic and non-textual formArchitectureArt in non-art workpeer-review


Lyra in Africa and the architect team Hollmén Reuter Sandman are working together on a project for Hostels for girls in Secondary Schools in Iringa region, Tanzania. First executed hostel opened in October 2018 in Nyang’oro Secondary School, Iringa rural, Tanzania. Lyra in Africa is providing the funding for the construction of the hostel facilities, whereas Hollmén Reuter Sandman are providing the architectural design.

Sustainable, environmentally and culturally appropriate architecture is vitally
important for the success of the Lyra’s hostel project, and it will set a standard in the future projects in the area. It will also have a strong impact on the community by allowing them to engage in the design and construction on the hostel, thus strengthening their economy, social status and vitality. The first dormitory was finished in 2018 and the plans for the next ones are under way.
Original languageMultiple languages
Place of PublicationTanzania
PublisherLyra in Africa
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jan 2021
MoE publication typeF3 Artistic part of a non-artistic publication

Field of art

  • Architecture

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