Identifying and measuring customer value - case multi-locational worker

Tytti Vasell, Maiju Vuolle, Vitalija Petrulaitiene, Suvi Nenonen, Tuuli Jylhä

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference article in proceedingsScientificpeer-review


Purpose: This paper presents measurements approaches by reviewing models and frameworks that can be utilised in identifying and measuring customer value in the context of multi-locational work.
Theory: Multi-locational, mobile workers utilise various spaces, tools and services during their workdays. Constantly changing needs and working environment challenge service providers to provide new physical, social and virtual working environments and service to attract and engage customer. Companies also need tools for measuring the created customer value.
Design/Methodology/Approach: Literature review about customer value in multi-locational work was conducted.
Findings: The four identified measurement approaches that define the roles of the customer are 1) customer as an employee and the end-user of physical work environment, 2) customer as the technology user in virtual work environment, 3) customer as a consumer and 4) customer as an organisation. Although the focus was on multi-locational working, it was noticed that the same methods and tools can be utilised in both single-location work context as in the multiple-location working environment. This might indicate that there is a need to develop tools more precisely for the multi-locational working.
Originality/value: This paper tried to understand how value is created for customers and present measurement approaches that can be utilised in identifying and measuring customer value in the context of multi-locational work.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationResearch papers for EuroFM's 15th research symposium at EFMC2016
EditorsSusanne Nielsen, Per Anker Jensen
Place of PublicationLyngby
PublisherPolyteknisk Forlag
ISBN (Electronic)9788750211020
Publication statusPublished - 2016
MoE publication typeA4 Conference publication
EventEuropean Facility Management Conference - Milan, Italy
Duration: 8 Jun 20169 Jun 2016
Conference number: 15


ConferenceEuropean Facility Management Conference
Abbreviated titleEFMC


  • facility management
  • Value co-creation
  • Customer experience
  • customer value measuring


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