Guidance beam manufacturing method for maglev- and high-speed train application

Seppo Hauta-aho

Research output: ThesisDoctoral ThesisMonograph


Ordinary embankments have limited applicability as support structures for high-speed trains. Embankments are not used at all for high-speed maglev trains; rather, elevated concrete beams on pillars are used for trains operating with this technology. In rail traffic, the need to develop rapid transport connections has largely focused on the manufacture of high-speed train technologies, more so than tracks. The development of tracks for both maglev and high-speed trains remained an unsolved problem. A reason for this may be that, in the case of traditional ground-supported embankments, higher train speeds and the transport of greater goods volumes have been addressed through train development. This dissertation addresses how the development of a continuous steel railway beam bridge can help to solve the problems of classic railways and high-speed train railways. In this research, it has been important for the developer and manufacturer of the railway beam to co-operate with the end client in order to create a factual concept addressing the development needs. The research question concerns which kind of steel beam would have the necessary structural strength, and how it could be manufactured within tolerances. The work aims to develop a steel railway beam for maglev and high-speed train applications in order to solve the research question. Due to the technology employed in this research, ordinary methods cannot be used to manufacture a continuous steel-beam railway bridge. This is due to tight tolerances and the necessity of economical manufacture. The product idea and manufacturing method have been developed as an integrated process between the companies in which the end client perspective has been determined by analysing the railway beam structure and the efficient manufacturability of the beams. This dissertation demonstrates that the steel railway beam has been developed as a product structure and manufacturing method system. Many end-user clients benefit from this research. The new manufacturing method developed in this research uses continuous energy input measurement and monitoring during the manufacture of the railway beams specified in the project, and the system stores and reports on the railway beam product and manufacturing data. The manufacturing tolerances of the railway beam are achieved by using the method and its affordable implementation and equipment. The benefit of the new method and system is that the manufacturing process can automated produce a dimensionally accurate railway beam in accordance with the specifications. The aforementioned aspects demonstrate that the system can be used widely in steel construction applications, such as railways, bridges and ships, etc.
Translated title of the contributionKiskopalkin valmistusmenetelmä magneetti- ja nopean junan sovellutuksiin
Original languageEnglish
QualificationDoctor's degree
Awarding Institution
  • Aalto University
  • Tammi, Kari, Supervising Professor
  • Tammi, Kari, Thesis Advisor
Print ISBNs978-952-60-8508-1
Electronic ISBNs978-952-60-8509-8
Publication statusPublished - 2019
MoE publication typeG4 Doctoral dissertation (monograph)


  • steel beam
  • railway beam
  • steel beam bridge
  • high-speed train
  • rail beam manufacture
  • horizontal and vertical curvature
  • submerged arc welding
  • energy


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