Graphene/Bi2Se3 Heterojunction Phototransistor Using Photogating Effect Modulated by Tunable Tunneling Resistance

Hoon Hahn Yoon, Faisal Ahmed, Yunyun Dai, Henry A. Fernandez, Xiaoqi Cui, Xueyin Bai, DIao Li, Mingde Du, Harri Lipsanen, Zhipei Sun

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractScientificpeer-review

4 Citations (Scopus)


Mixed-dimensional van der Waals heterostructures [1] are a very promising platform for the next generation of nanoelectronics and nanophotonics, for example, high-sensitivity mid-infrared light detection. Here, we report the versatile functionalities revealed in a hybrid device consisting of two-dimensional graphene and three-dimensional topological insulator.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jun 2021
MoE publication typeNot Eligible
EventEuropean Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference - Munich, Germany
Duration: 21 Jun 202125 Jun 2021


ConferenceEuropean Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the European Quantum Electronics Conference
Abbreviated titleCLEO/Europe-EQEC


  • tunneling barrier
  • hybrid photodetection
  • graphene
  • topological insulator
  • heterointerface


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