title = "Flow Standardized Spectra of Lung Sounds; Case Study: Differences in breath sound spectra in patients with COPD, stable asthma and healthy lungs.",
keywords = "flow, lung sounds, spectrum, flow, lung sounds, spectrum, flow, lung sounds, spectrum",
author = "L. Pesu and P. Helist{\"o} and T. Katila and P. Malmberg and A. Sovij{\"a}rvi and K. Kallio",
note = "L{\"a}{\"a}ketieteellisen tekniikan laboratorio CORSA (BIOMED 1)",
year = "1995",
language = "English",
pages = "P5/1 -- 5/8",
editor = "P. Helist{\"o}",
booktitle = "First CORSA WPIII Symposium on Signal Processing in Lung Sound Analysis, Helsinki, 1995",
publisher = "Teknillinen korkeakoulu",
address = "Finland",