Factors affecting the fatigue strength of thin-plates in large structures

Heikki Remes*, Jani Romanoff, Ingrit Lillemäe, Darko Frank, Sami Liinalampi, Pauli Lehto, Petri Varsta

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This paper studies the main factors affecting the fatigue strength assessment of thin plates in large structures. The first part of study includes the influence of initial distortions, joints' flexibility and surrounding structure on structural stress analysis of welded joint. The second part covers the influence of joint and its geometrical properties on fatigue strength modelling. The third part includes also the material elastic-plastic behaviour and the influence of crack propagation. The results show that if the structural analysis considers secondary bending properly, the local elastic fatigue damage parameters such as J-integral range can be used to model fatigue strength at 2-5. million load cycles. However, to explain the slope variation of the fatigue resistance curve, the consideration of material elastic-plastic behaviour and short crack growth is needed. The strain-based crack growth simulations indicate that longer short crack growth period is the reason for the higher slope value. The importance of short crack growth is dependent on the weld notch geometry and plate thickness.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)397-407
Number of pages11
Early online date15 Nov 2016
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2017
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Fatigue crack initiation
  • Fatigue strength
  • Local approaches
  • Thin plate
  • Weld


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