Exploring Ecological and Material Sensitivity through Craft Practice in the Context of the Venice Lagoon

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This article discusses multisensorial aesthetic experience of environmental materiality via a craft process. The locally situated study investigates the interrelations of humans and environment through soil. In focus is how craft practitioners use their material sensitivity to reflect the idea of interdependency in the context of the contemporary environmental discourse. This is done through presenting an artistic research project in which craft is used to explore the human imprint in a particular geological environment, the Venice Lagoon. The case study Traces from the Anthropocene: Working with Soil combines environmental research methods of contaminated soil and artistic research in the field of ceramic art. Craft making provides an embodied way to engage with the local environment. The cultural value and environmental disruption of the lagoon area forms a context for reflecting the aesthetic experience to better understand how we are active participants, in continuous flux with our material environment.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)31-46
Number of pages16
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2020
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • Craft
  • contaminated soil
  • environment
  • ecological aesthetics
  • sensitivity
  • environmental aesthetics
  • water


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