Emergence of Elastic Properties in a Minimalist Resilin-Derived Heptapeptide upon Bromination

Andrea Pizzi, Lorenzo Sori, Claudia Pigliacelli, Alfonso Gautieri, Clara Andolina, Greta Bergamaschi, Alessandro Gori, Pierre Panine, Antonio Mattia Grande, Markus B. Linder, Francesca Baldelli Bombelli, Monica Soncini, Pierangelo Metrangolo

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Bromination is herein exploited to promote the emergence of elastic behavior in a short peptide—SDSYGAP—derived from resilin, a rubber-like protein exerting its role in the jumping and flight systems of insects. Elastic and resilient hydrogels are obtained, which also show self-healing behavior, thanks to the promoted non-covalent interactions that limit deformations and contribute to the structural recovery of the peptide-based hydrogel. In particular, halogen bonds may stabilize the β-sheet organization working as non-covalent cross-links between nearby peptide strands. Importantly, the unmodified peptide (i.e., wild type) does not show such properties. Thus, SDSY(3,5-Br)GAP is a novel minimalist peptide elastomer.

Original languageEnglish
Article number2200807
Pages (from-to)2200807
Number of pages10
Issue number32
Early online date20 Jun 2022
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • bromination
  • elastomers
  • halogen bonding
  • peptides
  • resilin
  • self-assembly
  • supramolecular chemistry


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