Efficiency of Algorithms for Computing Influence and Information Spreading on Social Networks

Vesa Kuikka*, Henrik Aalto, Matias Ijäs, Kimmo K. Kaski

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Modelling interactions on complex networks needs efficient algorithms for describing processes on a detailed level in the network structure. This kind of modelling enables more realistic applications of spreading processes, network metrics, and analyses of communities. However, different real-world processes may impose requirements for implementations and their efficiency. We discuss different transmission and spreading processes and their interrelations. Two pseudo-algorithms are presented, one for the complex contagion spreading mechanism using non-self-avoiding paths in the modelling, and one for simple contagion processes using self-avoiding paths in the modelling. The first algorithm is an efficient implementation that can be used for describing social interaction in a social network structure. The second algorithm is a less efficient implementation for describing specific forms of information transmission and epidemic spreading.

Original languageEnglish
Article number262
Pages (from-to)1-15
Number of pages15
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2022
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • centrality measures
  • community detection
  • epidemic spreading
  • influence spreading
  • information spreading
  • modelling social networks
  • pseudo-algorithm
  • scalable algorithm
  • social media networks
  • social networks


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