Divergent Mechanistic Scenarios for the C−sp2 and C−sp3 C−H Insertion of Aurated Aryl Cations

Janina Bucher, Thomas Wurm, Kaveh Farshadfar, Michael Schukin, Georgios Uzunidis, Matthias Rudolph, Frank Rominger, Alireza Ariafard, A. Stephen K. Hashmi*

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By employing the sterically highly demanding steering ligand IPr* at a gold(I) center, it is possible to induce a 6-endo-dig cyclization pathway in 1,5-diynes bearing terminal alkyne moieties. The resulting aurated naphthyl cations are utilized for the intermolecular formation of C−C bonds via C−H insertion of aromatic and aliphatic C−H bonds. The mechanisms of these transformations were studied by quantum chemical calculations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3320-3327
Number of pages8
JournalAdvanced Synthesis and Catalysis
Issue number19
Early online date23 Aug 2023
Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2023
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


  • aryl cations
  • C−H insertion
  • diynes
  • gold catalysis
  • high energy intermediates


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