DevOps Contract for Assuring Execution of IoT Microservices in the Edge

Linh Truong, Peter Klein

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The increasing availability of edge and IoT infrastructure-as-a-service allows us to develop lightweight IoT components and deploy them into edge/IoT infrastructures, enabling edge analytics and controls. This paper introduces the development of service contracts for IoT microservices from DevOps perspectives. We analyze stakeholders and present our methods to support stakeholders to program IoT service contracts. We address the diversity of service contracts by using common languages for IoT data and programming. We integrate the development and operation lifecycle of IoT contracts with IoT software components and with supporting DevOps services. To illustrate our approach, we use a real-world Base Transceiver Station maintenance application with Raspberry Pi, Java, Javascript, JSON and other microservices.
Original languageEnglish
Article number100150
JournalInternet of Things
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020
MoE publication typeA1 Journal article-refereed


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